About Us
In August 2016, Niels Voigt joined the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology as Professor of Molecular Pharmacology. Since its inception, his research group has expanded by more than 20 members and its central focus is to investigate the pathophysiology of cardiac arrhythmias.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, particularly due to embolic stroke and heart failure. Current approaches to restore normal sinus rhythm (antiarrhythmic drugs, AF ablation) have major limitations including dissatisfying efficacy and risk of life-threatening proarrhythmic events. Therefore, we aim to unravel novel molecular mechanisms contributing to AF initiation and maintenance. In particular, we employ modern experimental techniques including cellular electrophysiology and calcium imaging to investigate atrial myocytes and tissue samples from patients undergoing open heart surgery. In addition, we utilize advanced techniques in the generation of atrial engineered heart tissue (aEHM) and modern gene editing approaches (CRISPR/Cas9) in order to develop new experimental models of AF. These approaches will provide the molecular basis for novel and patient-tailored therapeutic strategies for AF.

- Telefon: +49 551 3965174
- Telefax: +49 551 3965169
- E-Mail-Adresse: niels.voigt(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Robert-Koch-Straße 40, 37075 Göttingen; R 4. E2 336
ORCID: 0000-0001-8230-2341
Members Voigt Group

- Telefon: +49 551 3965174
- E-Mail-Adresse: maren.dilaj(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Robert-Koch-Straße 40, 37075 Göttingen; currently in home office

- Telefon: +49 551 3963632
- E-Mail-Adresse: funsho.fakuade(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
Heart Research Building
ORCID: 0000-0001-6683-6079

- Telefon: +49 551 3963707
- E-Mail-Adresse: fleur.mason(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
ORCID: 0000-0002-1682-4085
Heart Research Building

- Telefon: +49 551 3963632
- E-Mail-Adresse: julius.pronto(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
Heart Research Building
ORCID: 0000-0003-3556-5637
- E-Mail-Adresse: lea.becker-1(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: jasper.bee(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: yarakatharina.bonhoff(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: donatacarlotta.buelow(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: catriona.butchart(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: nikolas.dammeier(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building
- E-Mail-Adresse: marie.gaulrapp(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: marcus.gerloff(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: dominik.hubricht(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de
Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: valentinalisanne.kuhn(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- Telefon: +49 551 3963632
- E-Mail-Adresse: aiste.liutkute(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
Heart Research Building
ORCID: 0000-0002-8855-4870

- E-Mail-Adresse: wiebke.meier(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: vanessa.moeller(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: christoph.netzel(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: tami.niedick(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: fiona.popp(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: isabelle.refke(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: peterjoshua.siedler(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Ort / Raum: Heart Research Building

- Telefon: +49 551 3963656
- E-Mail-Adresse: izzatullo.sobitov(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de

- E-Mail-Adresse: Robin.Springer(at)med.uni-duesseldorf.de
Heart Research Building

- E-Mail-Adresse: v.steckmeister(at)stud.uni-goettingen.de
Heart Research Building
ORCID: 0000-0002-9299-000X

- Telefon: +49 551 3963662
- E-Mail-Adresse: stefanie.kestel(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
Heart Research Building

- Telefon: +49 551 3963662
- E-Mail-Adresse: imueller(at)med.uni-goettingen.de
- Paulina Brandes
- Mei-Ling Chang Liao, PhD
- Dr. med. Rebekka Dülk
- Dr. med. Philipp Jung
- Dr. med. Melanie Ritter
- Cristina E. Molina, PhD
- Tony Rubio, PhD
- Will Seibertz, PhD
Selected Publications
Five most important
- Fakuade FE, Hubricht D, Möller V, Sobitov I, Liutkute A, Döring Y, Seibertz F, Gerloff M, Pronto JRD, Haghighi F, Brandenburg S, Alhussini K, Ignatyeva N, Bonhoff Y, Kestel S, El-Essawi A, Jebran AF, Großmann M, Danner BC, Baraki H, Schmidt C, Sossalla S, Kutschka I, Bening C, Maack C, Linke WA, Heijman J, Lehnart SE, Kensah G, Ebert A, Mason FE, Voigt N (2024) Impaired intracellular calcium buffering contributes to the arrhythmogenic substrate in atrial myocytes from patients with atrial fibrillation. Circulation, online ahead of print. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.066577. [PubMed]
- Bode D, Pronto JRD, Schiattarella G, Voigt N (2024) Metabolic remodelling in atrial fibrillation: manifestations, mechanisms and clinical implications. Nat Rev Cardiol, online ahead of print. doi: 10.1038/s41569-024-01038-6. [PubMed]
- Voigt N, Heijman J, Wang Q, Chiang DY, Li N, Karck M, Wehrens XHT, Nattel S, Dobrev D. (2014) Cellular and molecular mechanisms of atrial arrhythmogenesis in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Circulation, 129 (2): 145-56. [PubMed]
- Voigt N, Li N, Wang Q, Wang W, Trafford AW, Abu-Taha I, Sun Q, Wieland T, Nattel S, Ravens U, Wehrens XHT, Dobrev D. (2012) Enhanced sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ leak and increased Na+-Ca2+ exchanger function underlie delayed afterdepolarizations in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. Circulation, 125 (17): 2059-70. (Highlighted in Circulation’s “Most Read Articles in Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology”, Circulation 2013, 127: e509-19) [PubMed]
- Makary S*, Voigt N*, Maguy A*, Wakili R, Nishida K, Harada M, Dobrev D, Nattel S. (2011) Differential protein kinase C isoform regulation and increased constitutive activity of acetylcholine-regulated potassium channels in atrial remodeling. Circ Res, 109 (9): 1031-43. *Equal contribuation. [PubMed]
Book Chapters
- Nattel S, Heijman J, Voigt N, Wehrens XHT, Dobrev D (2017) The molecular pathophys-iology of atrial fibrillation. Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside. Zipes D, Jalife J, Stevenson W (eds), 7th edition, Elsevier, pp. 396-408 ISBN: 978-0-3234-4733-1
- Dobrev D, Voigt N, Nattel S (2013) Cholinergic and constitutive regulation of atrial potassium channels. Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside. Zipes D, Jalife J (eds), 6th edition, Elsevier, pp. 383-91. ISBN: 978-1-4556-2856-5
- Nattel S, Voigt N, Dobrev D (2013) Molecular pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation. Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside. Zipes D, Jalife J (eds), 6th edition, Elsevier, pp. 449-58. ISBN: 978-1-4556-2856-5
For a complete list of publications, please access Scopus or PubMed.
- 2021 - 2024: Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung e.V. (DZHK), DZHK-BHF-DHF Cooperation: “ “DNA damage in cytoskeletal protein mutation-induced Atrial Fibrillation: a guide to novel treatment and screening targets (DnAFiX)“ , Partnership Research Grant with Prof. Dr. Bianca J.J.M. Brundel, Amsterdam UMC, VUmc.
- Since 2020: Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung e.V. (DZHK), Shared Expertise (SE181): ““Cellular electrophysiology and excitation-contraction coupling in atrial and ventricular cardiomyocytes“
- 2018 - 2024: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Collaborative Research Center 1002 Project A13 (CRC1002 A13): “"Abnormal cytosolic calcium buffering and its role in atrial arrhythmogenesis in patients with heart failure"
- 2016 - 2022: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, International Research Training Group Project 12 (DFG IRTG1816 RP12): “Remodeling of human atrial cardiomyocytes in response to in-vitro tachypacing"
- since 2016: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG VO 1568/3-1): “The role of atrial mitochondrial Ca2+-handling in arrhythmogenesis in patients with atrial fibrillation"
- 2016 - 2020: Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (EKFS 2016_A20): “Cellular basis for triggers and perpetuators of postoperative atrial fibrillation.”
Latest News & Recommended Links
Find our research group on twitter: https://twitter.com/niels_voigt?lang=de
Research Networks
- Collaborative Research Centre 1002: Modulatory Units in Heart Failure: https://sfb1002.med.uni-goettingen.de/production/
- International Research Training Group 1816: http://www.grk1816.med.uni-goettingen.de/
- Else Kroener-Fresenius-Kolleg: http://go.umg.eu/promotionskolleg
- Cluster of Excellence: “Multiscale Bioimaging: From Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable Cells” (MBExC): https://mbexc.de/
- DZHK: Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung e.V.: https://dzhk.de/
- Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences, Biophysics, and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB)
Scientific Societies
- "Scientists of Tomorrow”, European Society of Cardiology: http://www.escardio.org/sot/
- Working Group on "Cellular Electrophysiology" (AG18) of the German Cardiac Society: https://dgk.org/ueber-uns/arbeitsgruppen/ag18-zellulare-elektrophysiologie/
- American Heart Association, Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine, Early Career Committee: https://professional.heart.org/professional/MembershipCouncils/ScientificCouncils/UCM_450270_Genomic-and-Precision-Medicine-Early-Career-Development-Resources.jsp
- AFIB MATTERS: https://www.afibmatters.org/
- Patientenbroschüre "Vorhofflimmern - Herz aus dem Takt" des Kompetenznetz Vorhofflimmern e.V.: https://www.kompetenznetz-vorhofflimmern.de/de/patienteninformation